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Monthly Archives: April 2008

Battleground (1949)

Loved it, loved, it, loved it with a capital L!   If SPR is about duty meant to instill pride about the “greatest generation” (not my favorite term) Battleground is about irony and dissatisfaction in the soldier’s life.  So there is complaining, comradeship, and a “let’s take of business but have a little fun along the […]

Hell in the Pacific (1968)

So I turn on the tube this morning, and I see Lee Marvin on some island with another guy who happens to speak Japanese (that would be Toshirō Mifune–he can act a little).  “Hmmm,” I thought.  “What the hell is this?” More knowledgeable readers no doubt guessed Hell in the Pacific, a Cast Away-like flick that involves  lots […]

The Good German

So tonite, I turn on tube and see The Good German listed via On Demand.  So I give it a go and I lasted about 15 minutes only because the remote ended up on the other side of the couch.  You know the feeling, right?  You’re too tired to move a muscle to get the […]