Minutes of Meeting Between Adolf Hitler, Erich Raeder, and Wilhelm Keitel

Editor's Note: The following content is a transcription of a period document or a collection of period statistics. It may be incomplete, inaccurate, or biased. The reader may not wish to take the content as factual.

12 Dec 1939

ww2dbasePrecis of minutes a meeting of the C in C, Navy, with the Führer.

December 12. 1939 at 12.00.

Also present: Gen. Keitel, Brig-Gen. Jodl. Lt-Commander von Puttkamer.

The C in C Navy reported to the Führer that he had had a Conference with Mr. Quisling and Mr. Hagelin representing Norway. He told Hitler that he was impressed by the two men who stated that the Norwegian people at large were very hostile to the Germans, because of conflict between Russia and Finland. Also, England seems to have a great influence on the Country through the President of the Storting (the supreme court of Norway), this man, Hambro was a Jew and he could influence Sweden to turn against Germany. There was a danger that Britain would soon invade or be invited to occupy Norway. Mr. Quisling stated that he could stage a coup and turn to Germany for aid and protection. He was ready and willing to discuss military matters with Germany.

C in C Navy pointed out to the Führer that it was impossible to judge these men's motives however, it must be made impossible for Norway to fall into British hands. This would put Sweden under their influence besides cutting off all access to Norwegian iron ore and putting German naval positions in the Baltic under threat.

The Führer stated that Britain must never be allowed to occupy Norway as it would put the Navy under great pressure that it would, at present be able to resist. Before he met Mr. Quisling he would seek advice from Reichsleiter Rosenberg* as he had known Mr. Quisling for some time. Hitler stated that he was happy for the O.K.W to make plans with Quisling for the occupation either: (a) by friendly means or (b) by force.

The C in C Navy recommended to Hitler that Germany keeps a clear policy with regard to the Russo-Finnish conflict; that no armaments be sent to support Finland. He did however recommend that Germany accommodate Russia, for example in the supply of oil for Russian submarines this would offer Germany some practical advantages. The Führer agreed on all these points.

(Signed) Adm Raeder. (Counter Signed) H. Assmann.

* Alfred Rosenberg. The chief ideologue of the Nazi Party. ww2dbase

Added By:
Hugh Martyr

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More on Minutes of Meeting Between Adolf Hitler, Erich Raeder, and Wilhelm Keitel
Associated Figure(s):
» Heinz Assmann
» Adolf Hitler
» Wilhelm Keitel
» Erich Raeder

Famous WW2 Quote
"Since peace is now beyond hope, we can but fight to the end."

Chiang Kaishek, 31 Jul 1937

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